Morning Exploration

Every morning the classroom is set up with provocations. A provocation is an open ended activity that doesn’t have a prescribed outcome instead it is designed to stimulate ideas, initiative and imagination for children, whether they choose to explore their ideas alone or in groups. Provocations are simple and displayed beautifully to provoke interest. During provocations, the children are slowing down, looking closely, noticing new things and looking at what is set up for them to explore. They are learning how to use tools such as magnifying glasses, droppers, rolling pins and more. The children develop their fine motor skills as well as their concentration and eye-hand coordination, as they engage in these activities. Children work one-on-one with teachers, in groups or alone.

Meeting Time

Meeting is a very important time of the day for your child.  Meeting, especially early in the year, is a time when we get to know each other.  During this time, the children have an opportunity to talk about the things they are thinking about, we sing songs, read books and talk about themes that we are working on.  Children practice listening skills, self-control, learn a sense of community and develop social skills that lay the foundation for years of classroom learning ahead! Particularly emphasized during the meeting is learning how to sit patiently and in their own space, listening, raising their hands and taking turns to speak.  It is also during this time that we look at the schedule, go over the Days of the Week, the calendar and the weather!

Snack Time

Snack time is a great time for social development, as children socialize with one another while eating. It is an important time for children to practice their self-help skills; children will learn to pour their own water, take their own snacks and clean-up their spot when they are finished! 

Quiet Reading

After snack children are asked to grab a book and go to the rug for quiet reading. As children explore books on their own or with an adult, they begin to notice that print goes from left to right and top to bottom, that pictures tell a story, and that the story stays the same as it is read over and over again. Listening, paying attention, sequencing, and thinking skills are all used as children enjoy a story. Children become acquainted with new vocabulary words and the style of formal written English as they listen to stories.

Playground and Gym

Weather dependent we visit the playground daily. The playground offers opportunities for the children to play physically by running, climbing up and through, and of course, sliding down. These activities help to develop their gross motor skills. When it is raining or snowing we will visit the gym. In the gym, the children have balls, basketball nets, scooters, and bicycles. Again the children are working on their gross motor skills. 

Learning Circle

 This is our opportunity to hone in on our unit of study. We sit down together daily to learn about a specific topic or concept.  During this time we may read a book, do an experiment, have a discussion, etc. 

Center Time

Center time is a very important time in the classroom.  First and foremost the children are sharpening their planning and thinking skills.  Each of the areas in our classroom, including manipulatives, dramatic play, art, sensory exploration, and blocks,  is set up to support independence, social interaction, self-help skills and exploration.