“Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded” -Jess Lair

Educational Philosophy

Our school is built on the belief that the earliest events in a child's life are the most formative and critical determinants of their development. Furthermore, we hold true that children learn best through an experiential and intentional approach to teaching and learning, and that each child is inherently capable and competent. Drawing from the best practices in early childhood education, and with specific inspiration from the Reggio Emilia philosophy, children will learn through an innovative, inquiry-based, hands-on curriculum where they actively participate in the learning process. 


Educators design a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and targets the children’s interests while ensuring that each child is progressing in their physical, social-emotional, and cognitive development. A breadth of skills are seamlessly woven into the curriculum so that children learn through doing. Furthermore, educators support children in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as providing children with the tools, and encouraging them with the confidence, to explore their world and play independently and collaboratively.

Jewish Enrichment

To further extend their thinking and understanding, our students are exposed to nature, music, and art. To establish and deepen their Jewish identities and connection to the community, children will explore and celebrate Jewish traditions, including Shabbat and holidays, which will be woven throughout all of our disciplines. Furthermore, our children will learn Jewish values, which are also lived and modeled by their educators.  We will incorporate frequent opportunities to do Mitzvot (good deeds and acts of kindness) throughout the year, both in the classroom and in the community at large, and support children as they develop empathy for others. 

The Classroom

At Lamplighters, the classroom environment is intentionally designed with children’s innate curiosity in mind. Children are encouraged to explore their environment and express themselves through words, drawing/writing, music, art, play and other natural modes of expression.  Learning centers are incorporated in each classroom and include blocks, art, dramatic play, books, manipulatives, sensory experiences and scientific discovery. These learning centers foster independence as children actively explore the different areas of their classroom and make choices in their learning and play. Educator’s carefully observe and reflect on how children engage within each center, and make modifications as the childrens’ skills develop. 

At Lamplighters, we honor the whole child. Teachers get to know each child deeply and authentically, allowing them to see their value within the classroom, the school and the community.